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Citizens Against Global Governance

For Life, Freedom, Family, and the Nation


“…the world-state is in no form practically useful or desirable, for it would bring death instead of life. So far as we can foresee, the development of mankind is inseparably bound up with the national development of the different peoples and states.”

Lassa Oppenheim, the father of modern public international law in “The Future of International Law” (1921, Oxford).


Our Mission

There is a growing need for a unified resistance against the global rise of supranational institutions that are beyond any democratic measures of control and that have gained unprecedented powers over our rights and liberties.

Our goal is to restore international law and international organizations as tools for the protection of human dignity, freedom, and peace among free nations. International law and organizations have in fact come to represent the opposite of their originally intended missions following decades of weaponization during the era of the Cold War, not to mention decades of lobbying by private entities and big capital. They are now swarming with undemocratic committees of experts and armies of bureaucrats.

We are a network of professionals who are trained and prepared to identify, publicize, and fight against those global strategies that are being employed to subvert democracy, natural rights, and freedoms, with life, family, freedom of speech, and religious liberty as their main targets and battleground.

We are a forum of think tanks and civic organizations dedicated to providing common-sense support to initiatives that foster the growth of a natural law-based international human rights system.

We are an international association of conservative activists who are aware of the dire threat we are facing to our ways of life and civilization, and we want to make a difference.

Our lawyers and experts have been involved with the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the European Union, and international human rights courts, all of which have granted us consultancy status or recognized us as qualified lobbyists or contributors. In order to oppose our involvement, unprecedented coalitions of radicals have been mobilized at both at the UN and the EU – and they were all unsuccessful in their efforts to marginalize our voice.

To strengthen these efforts and bring professional support for life, family, freedom, and sovereignty to all those corners of the world where global villains are at work via their foundations, international agendas, and destructive cultural interference, we need collaborators, supporters, and partners worldwide.

We are now calling for applications from experts, organizations, and anyone else who is interested in working with us. Your involvement might include presenting reports on particular nations, analyzing international law, writing journalism, organizing national and international petitions, or participating in conferences. We would also welcome involvement by national legislators, opinion leaders, or anyone else who wants to actively defend our rights, freedoms, and national sovereignty.

In the 21st century, humanity faces a host of unprecedented challenges to life, personal freedoms, the family, and the nation from a vast network of global and supranational organizations, big businesses, private oligarchs, large non-governmental organizations, activist judges, and a growing bureaucracy, as well as local elites that are isolated from their societies and whose only allegiance is to their global counterparts rather than their own nations.

Thanks to the radical concentration of wealth we are seeing and the unprecedented political power it brings with it, not to mention stunning advances in technology as well as the unprecedented collapse of our traditional value systems, individuals throughout the world are now at risk of losing their property (“You will own nothing and you will be happy”), personal freedoms (as a result of hate speech and hate crime laws and treaties), political freedoms (democracy is being replaced with rule by fiat practiced by administrative deep states), dietary autonomy (the ongoing destruction of agriculture in many countries is reducing our nutritional choices), and bodily autonomy and integrity (forced medical procedures). Meanwhile, the nation-states are being undermined by destabilizing levels of immigration and are losing their sovereignty to supranational organizations, treaties, and courts.

Driven purely by political and financial interests in support of radical ideologies, these networks act in concert, as if directed by a single mind.

Against them stand isolated individuals and nations that are unable to coordinate their efforts for lack of an international network to support them. This is also due to their inability to effectively influence governments and obtain adequate funding.

Some of the threats we are facing:

  • The undermining of national legal systems by acts of international law.
  • The overriding of the voters’ will by civil servants and “deep states.”
  • The bypassing of elected parliaments and governments by national and international courts (such as the European Court of Human Rights, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights in Arusha).
  • Democratic processes being manipulated by oligarchs (billionaires, Big Media, Big Tech, Big Pharma).
  • The depopulation agenda.
  • The subversion of national cultures through the takeover of universities and cultural institutions by leftist ideologues.
  • The undermining of nations by migration and ever-growing public debt, causing social strife.
  • Total control over individuals and nations by implementing
    • Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC),
    • global digital ID,
    • media censorship (fact checkers), and
    • the deplatforming of independent thinkers.
  • Hate speech and hate crime legislation putting an end to freedom of speech and conscience.
  • The undermining of parental rights by sexual education standards that are being promoted by the UN and the WHO, as well as newly-emerging policies calling for mandatory gender-transformative education.
  • Worldwide control over healthcare decisions, procedures, and medications.
  • The consolidation of food production by large corporations, leading to low-quality mass production, the use of harmful chemicals, and the replacement of natural foods with artificial products.

Citizens Against Global Governance

Our network


  • Supranational organizations (the United Nations, WHO, International Organization for Migration, European Union, United Nations Children’s Fund [UNICEF], World Bank, International Monetary Fund, etc.).
  • Private–public partnerships (e.g. the Global Vaccine Alliance [GAVI]).
  • Large international foundations and NGOs.
  • The World Economic Forum.
  • Large investment funds (BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard) that are forcing the acceptance of so-called “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) through the enforcement of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) measures and quotas.

Funding of our adversaries

Tax revenue from individual countries as well as contributions from transnational organizations.

Funding from large foundations (the Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, etc.) as well as private oligarchs (Bill and Melinda Gates, George Soros, etc.).

Why we act now

The push towards global governance

On September 22, 2024, the United Nations General Assembly during the Summit of the Future adopted a resolution titled The Pact for the Future, with two Annexes, (1) The Global Digital Compact and (2) Declaration on Future Generations, without a vote.

A Major part of the Pact is dedicated to “Transforming Global Governance”, which includes the strengthening of supranational institutions, acceleration of implementation of Sustainable Development Goals and agenda, acceleration of development of global financial infrastructure, all of them in conjunction of combating climate change and acceleration of changes to the human rights system.

This is a signal of an unprecedented involvement of UN Agencies in social engineering, for which the Sustainable Development Goals and climate change policies are only a precursor. The global identification and tracking system (global digital ID), Central Bank Digital Currencies, Environmental Social and Governance metrics are to follow. In fact, they are already looming on the horizon.   

The Pact constitutes a next step and an acceleration of implementation of global governance, which may lead to further dissolution of nations and nation states and a creation of a global demos and a corresponding global governance mechanism and structure, and to further centralization of decision making and dissolution of responsibility.

The Pact proposes the establishment of “international tax cooperation”, development of international tax convention and global minimum taxation, to “close the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) financing gap in developing countries.”

The Global Digital Compact has as its objective to “expand inclusion in the digital economy for all”, to closure of “all digital divides”, to streamline interoperable data governance approaches and to establish global governance of artificial intelligence.

The Declaration on Future Generations, defined as “all those generations that do not yet exist”, calls for the safeguarding of “needs and interests of future generations”, by investment in a number of areas, building “a stronger, more effective and resilient multilateral system”, but also by ensuring “orderly and regular migration between countries… …including through enhancing and diversifying the availability and flexibility of pathways for regular migration”.  The implementation of the commitment to the as of yet non-existent constituency is to be overseen by a UN Special Envoy for Future Generations.


The reaction

President Donald Trump is expected to announce a second exit of the United States from the Paris Agreement

President Javier Milei is considering Argentina’s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement.

The United States may exit the WHO again (following the failed exit announced on Sep 3, 2020), especially considering that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the leader of the Make America Healthy Again endeavor. 

In many other countries, pro-freedom and pro-sovereignty movements and gaining momentum.

There is a need to spread and promote awareness of the processes aiming to build global governance and deprive citizens of influence on decision making and on the growing resistance to the endeavor throughout the world. 


In response, Ordo Iuris International proposes to:

  • Create an international network of professional experts, lawyers, civil society organizations, and supporters who are able to diagnose the threats in both the legal and political environments, and to build a platform for cooperation between think tanks. We will also gather support from those individuals who are aware of these threats and who are able to counteract them.
  • Create a distributed (decentralized) international funding mechanism that will not be dependent on a few big donors, government grants, and the like.
  • Create a network that is able to identify and thwart the capture of elected governments and officials by special interest groups.
  • Deprive unelected officials of their power (e.g. the European Commission), and give the power back to the elected representatives of the voters and states.
  • Prevent the capture of supranational organizations such as the UN and WHO by private business donors (GAVI, the Gates Foundation) or regional interests (such as the Cotonou Agreement between the EU and the Organization of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States [OACPS]).

Who we address

  • Lawyers and other professional experts around the world who would like to contribute by identifying, analyzing, and writing reports on existing or emerging threats so that we can sound the alarm in a timely manner, whenever necessary, in order to intervene more efficiently in international institutions and international courts.
  • Legislators and politicians who understand the threats to national sovereignty and liberty and who are willing to join forces with a civic movement.
  • Supporters around the world who would like to receive, study, and disseminate documents related to these issues, and perhaps even support their preparation financially, in order to inform the general public about them as well as to organize a response.

Analytical Contribution

Register here if you would like to contribute legal analysis and/or reporting

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As an independent analytical forum, we do not have funds comparable to our opponents. The pillar of our activities are voluntary contributions from citizens concerned about condition of our rights and liberties.

Any support from you will be extremely valuable to us.

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